Twenty Twenty
In spite of 2020 being a crazy year, we were able to stay connected with the team and the campers, doing the best we could with what we had. We were thus motivated, through the year, to stay faithful, even in small ways.
With a lot of downtime this year, we focused on updating our website, and took steps to be more engaging by launching our YouTube page and our instagram account. Instead of waiting for the blog posts, feel free to follow us on a more interactive space.
Volunteer Training Camp
The year 2020 kicked off with our Volunteer Training Camp that took place in the month of February. We had 14 volunteers that committed to serve for the year, many of which were volunteering for their first time, having been campers just the previous year. We are so excited and encouraged when campers choose to serve!

Girls Camp
Before everything began to close, we managed to get in our annual girls Camp. As many girls are restricted from attending over night camps, we decided to run a day camp for them in March. We had 26 girls attending the camp which was based on the theme, “Zoom in”.

Children’s Camp
We usually run 3 children’s camps each year, one for each age group. We unfortunately were only able to run one group, as lockdown was implemented. We had children between the ages of 6 and 8 attend our camp this year and it was an amazing time as many volunteers served at their first camp here!

Volunteer Team Meeting
In order to build our camp community, we ensure we meet once a week with the team. This happens on a regular basis and is intentional. We meet to study God’s word together, to discuss any upcoming program and just to have a few laughs and most importantly some food together! With Lockdown being enforced, we had to make do with meeting online. I’m glad to say that the volunteers were committed to doing so, even with internet issues.

We however got to see each other and meet in person, while practicing health protocols, at the end of the year! Although not all of us could make it, it was an exciting time of munching on our samosas and thanking God for His faithfulness through the long and tough year.
Get Back Up
With Covid, we had to switch to an online platform to carry out our follow up program with our campers. With many of the campers lacking access to a smart phone and good internet coverage, the attendance dropped drastically. But we continued to persevere with a few that were willing to log on.

In December, having heard from campers about their struggles at home, we decided to meet with a few of them and just spend time hearing them out. We met for an afternoon of games and sharing. Many campers attended, with masks being provided by our team. And it was a moving day, with big smiles as they played, and heavy hearts as they shared. With all the struggles that were shared, we are keen to start the new year, addressing their issues and providing the support we can.
With the lockdowns removed, we are excited about the new year, and will proceed with caution. With campers excited to get outdoors, volunteers eager to serve, we hope that you will work alongside in keeping the vision alive and active, by enabling us to touch, train and transform a life!